Discover language courses for companies!
C.I.L.F School in Bologna organizes language courses and Italian courses for foreigners for companies: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabian and Chinese courses with standard or custom programs, according to the requirements and the objectives.
language courses for companies are directed to workers, managers or professionals of any level, and are modelled on specific requirements advanced by the customer.
Group Courses
The language courses for companies can be aimed at groups of employees, as they are designed specifically for the training of corporate personnel, and are customizable in the duration and frequency, as well as in the issues and aspects to be explored.
The knowledge of a foreign language (English, French, even Arabian or Chinese, etc) from the part of the stuff constitutes a very important element for the business world. The acquisition of high communicative skills allows workers to operate in an international context, expanding the company's prestige.

Personalised Courses
The language courses for companies can be entirely personalised to specific categories of workers or can be aimed at achieving goals.
C.I.L.F School offers a dynamic and flexible education during these times and the needs of the international market, aimed at Italian and foreign companies.
Targeted courses
The targeted language courses for companies are aimed at achieving specific goals:
- writing communication courses (email, fax, letters);
- public speech courses (personalised, meeting, reunions, conference calls, etc);
- technical courses (industrial, sanitary, touristic, engineering alimentation, legal);
- language courses for professionals (layers, doctors, entrepreneurs, consultants).

E-Learning Courses
C.I.L.F School offers language courses for companies on E-learning telematics mode through an interactive way of learning and the use of advanced didactic instruments.
These types of language courses allow to workers to learn from the beginning a new foreign language and consolidate their language training without interfering with professional activities and personal commitments.
Financed Education
The language courses for companies provide also special facilities for the participants through the financed mode of education with: Fondimpresa, Fonditalia, FORTE, Foncoop, FAPI, etc. In order to request additional information about how to access funding for language courses for employees and professionals, contact the specialized stuff of C.I.L.F School!

Business Language Seminars
C.I.L.F School in Bologna organises language courses for companies and business language seminars focused on a technic knowledge of English , German, etc, aimed at the use of language in business and professional contexts:
- Business meetings and organization management.
- Business travels and congresses.
- Presentation of the company, the products and services offered.
- Description of trends and performance.
- Marketing and advertising.
- Legal procedures.